"My defiance of visual cohesion is motivated by the failure of language and culture to accommodate invisible modes of (dis-)identification (...)."
In partnership with Manifesta 13 Marseille as part of Traits d'union.s program
Through technological creations, Mounir Ayache attempts to approach the political and social realities of the Arab world in a new way. (...)
In partnership with Manifesta 13 Marseille as part of the Third Programme's Invisibles Archives
V. Jourdain works on her experience as an artist and cultural worker. She knowingly developed the imposter syndrome in the microcosm of contemporary art, her sense of belonging being limited because of the deployment of neoliberal cultural management (...)
Voluntarily or involuntarily confused, he tries as best as he can to bring a reflection on these 3 subjects; legitimacy, freedom and love (...)
In partnership with Manifesta 13 Marseille as part of Traits d'union.s
"I am fascinated by the idea that somewhere we could all understand each other through systems (of writing among others) that would be specific to each other (...)"
Claudia Pagès’ practice addresses the effects of language, organisation and popular culture on social relationships and community structures. (...)
Mathew Parkin is an artist, writer and home cook mainly working in moving-image with family and friends. They are particularly interested in autobiography, accent, intimacy, and speech acts in public.
Mathew Parkin is welcomed as part of the international exchange program between Glasgow Sculpture Studios and Triangle France - Astérides.
Laura Porter's installations, sculptures and videos are marked by an interest in modes of value production, the genesis of materials, and the role of the body in edible and disposable economies. (...)
Rafael RG's practice focuses on sexual and affective relationships and their political implications as well as issues of racial identity (...)
"Like a diary, Yoan Sorin's practice is based on exploded mythologies that the artist updates through drawings and installations, paintings and performances. As he exercises his caustic and sometimes acidic gaze, Yoan Sorin combines note-taking and the making of objects (...)" Frédéric Emprou