In residency from April 19 to July 26, 2021.
Born in 1990 in Yauhquemehcan (MX). Lives and works in France.
Artist's viméo page
Vir Andrés’s imagination is expressed through video, among other things, but with a broader idea of writing, so important are the stories behind. In his videos, everything is mysteriously strewn with stories and strange anecdotes, with literature and distant tales, with religious myths and dreamlike figures, sacred landscapes.
Vir Andrés Hera's work is, in the etymological sense, eccentric. Spatially: centerless. Geometrically: multiple. Materially: transparent. He takes a look at colonial history and its materialization/dematerialization, through language. It dislocates the signifier, atrophying the similarities, generating interstices.
He is a doctoral student at the University of Quebec in Montreal in joint supervision with Le Fresnoy Studio National des arts contemporains. In 2015, he earned the Casa de Velazquez artist fellowship. In 2019, he joined the editorial board of Qalqalah.