In residency from April 17 to July 21 2023
Diyae Bourhim was born in 1999 in Rabat (MA). She lives and works in Salé (MA)
Ahmad Karmouni was born in 1994 in Assilah where he currently lives and works (MA).
Mouhawalat is an artist collective co-founded in 2020 by four young Moroccan artists; Ahmad Karmouni, Diyae Bourhim, Mehdi Ouahmane and Imane Zoubai. Dedicated to artists and researchers who never stop trying, Mouhawalat shapes its identity gradually through continuous attempts at creation and encounter. Currently, it explores and questions the situation of young artists working in the Moroccan art world.
Using a range of mediums, they want to reflect more on the idea of the "attempt" and create renewed methods for constant learning through collective and collaborative work to foster exchange and expanded knowledge building. Mouhawalat as it is in its current form has allowed members to collaborate, and program artistic work in art spaces, residencies, exchanges and round tables such as Triangles-Astérides (2023), Mahal Art Space (2021), Think Tanger (2021) and Our Teaching Takes Shape As We Go (2022), as well as receiving grants like Self Organizations - Private Audience (2020) and Grant for Artists' Practice, Mophradat (2022).
Currently, the founding artists Diyae Bourhim, Ahmad Karmouni and Mohamed Haiti who graduated together from the National Institute of Fine Arts-Tetouan, Morocco are still present in the collective. They’re pursuing attempts and staying open to future collaborations with other artists. Each has established their studio, where they sustain multidisciplinary practice ranging from illustration, photography to sculpture and from printmaking to embroidery and installation.
Installation. On the occasion of "Wach Hadi Tji Mzyana f Salon ?" a Mouhawalat Collective project. Credits: Mohamed Haïti, Mahal Art Space. Exhibition supported by ALC Tanger, Mahal Art Space, Think Tanger.